My Azure RFP Toolbox

<Updated on 24th July 2018>

During the last years as an architect for Azure services, there is a set of questions and areas that always come-up, you will find here the reference materials I use to answer RFP or customer enquiries. This post assumes you already have some Azure expertise in the subjects covered, but are in search of good reference materials for documentation purposes.


Networking and connectivity

When you design a solution running in Azure, it will most of the time run on Virtual Networks, you can connect those to:

  • Your datacenter via IPsec VPN: you use the internet to transport IPsec-encrypted packets. Since it’s the internet, there’s no SLA on the link availability, but the IPsec gateway is backed by a 99.95% SLA and the speed can go up to 1 Gbps.
  • Your datacenter via ExpressRoute: it’s a private connection, SLA-backed by your service provider up to 99.95%. The speed can go up to 10 Gbps if necessary.
  • Internet via a Public IP: that public IP endpoint is highly available, load balanced if needed, protected by our DoS protection service. Those operations are done by Azure but you can leverage Network Virtual Appliances from the marketplace in order to add additional features like layer-7 inspection. If you want to use WAF-as-a-Service, you can also leverage Azure Application Gateway.

ExpressRoute Locations –

Microsoft cloud services and network security –

Azure Network Security Best Practices –

Reference architecture – Hybrid Networking – 


High availability, Disaster Recovery and SLA

When you build solutions on Azure, your choose the physical location of your data, which is replicated on 3 hard disk drives (based on Locally Redundant Storage), it can be replicated to another region in order to offer additional redundancy in a location with hundreds miles from the previous (3 additional copies of your data).

High availability for virtual machines is achieved:

  • In-Region:
    • If you deploy an Azure VM on Premium storage, the VM automatically gets a 99.9% uptime SLA!
    • You can achieve HA at 99.95% uptime by placing multiples machines serving users inside an availability set with a load balancer in front.
    • You can achieve HA at 99.99% uptime by placing multiples machines serving users inside an availability zone with a standard load balancer in
  • Across-regions: by duplicating the first deployment in another region. You replicate the data using application-level replication or Azure Site Recovery, then you load balance the solution using Traffic Manager.

SLA for the main Azure elements:

VM For all Virtual Machines that have two or more instances deployed in the same Availability Set, we guarantee you will have Virtual Machine Connectivity
to at least one instance at least 99.95% of the time.For any Single Instance Virtual Machine using premium storage for all Operating System Disks and Data Disks, we guarantee you will have Virtual
Machine Connectivity of at least 99.9%.
Storage We guarantee that at least 99.9% (99% for Cool Access Tier) of the time, we will successfully process requests to read data from Locally Redundant Storage (LRS), Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS), and Geo Redundant Storage (GRS) Accounts.
ExpressRoute We guarantee a minimum of 99.95% ExpressRoute Dedicated Circuit availability.
IPsec Gateway We guarantee 99.9% availability for each Basic Gateway for VPN or Basic Gateway for ExpressRoute.

We guarantee 99.95% availability for each Standard, High Performance, VpnGw1, VpnGw2, VpnGw3 Gateway for VPN.

We guarantee 99.95% availability for each Standard, High Performance, Ultra Performance Gateway for ExpressRoute.

Application Gateway We guarantee that each Application Gateway Cloud Service having two or more medium or larger instances will be available at least 99.95% of the time.
Azure Site Recovery For each Protected Instance configured for On-Premises-to-On-Premises Failover, we guarantee at least 99.9% availability of the Site Recovery service.

For each Protected Instance configured for On-Premises-to-Azure planned and unplanned Failover, we guarantee a two-hour Recovery Time Objective

Datacenter and Service Recovery: How Microsoft services recovers from a DC loss –

Availability checklist –

Data security, isolation and confidentiality

In a context of datacenter migration, usual questions are: how is my data secured, how is it isolated from other tenants and how can I protect my data in-transit, at-rest, and even in-processing.

You can get started with our RFI standard responses templates:

A good reference is the getting started with Azure security paper:

Encryption at rest:

Isolation in the Azure Public Cloud –

Azure Data Encryption-at-Rest –

Encryption in transit:

Azure encryption technologies: Protect personal data in transit with encryption –

Encryption in processing:

Azure confidential computing :

Data security is also about backup, wo you can use:


Datacenter operations & compliance

Azure will very likely exceed any possible best practices and compliance regulation level that you see in a customer-run datacenter. Azure does not usually allow customers to directly audit against best practices, however we are working to certify Azure against the most relevant certifications, in the world, regionally, and locally as well as the most strict industry standards.

All certifications information can be found in the Azure Trust Center –

If you need to download the certification audit reports or the certificate Service Trust Portal – 

Overview of Microsoft Azure compliance –

How Microsoft Azure can help organizations become compliant with the EU GDPR –

Azure Solutions Blueprint for PCI DSS-compliant environments –

Microsoft Azure HIPAA/HITECH Act Implementation Guidance –


Threat protection, detection and incident response

How does Microsoft protect instances, how does Microsoft and I do incident response? Is there a DoS protection service include and IDS/IPS? Can I or a partner conduct penetration testing to a solution in Azure?

Azure Advanced Threat Detection –

Azure Logging and auditing –

Security Incent Response in Azure –

Penetration testing of your solution – 

Integration of SIEM with Azure – 

Azure Security Center is a great complement to all the security mechanisms present in Azure, and the good news is, there’s a free tier, so use it everywhere.

Azure Security Center Detection Capabilities –

Using Azure Security Center for an incident response –


Operations Excellence

How do I operate, manage, an environment in Azure, how do I manage separation of roles and duties, how is done RBAC?

Customers can integrate their on-premises Active Directory with Azure Active Directory and then manage, delegate access using RBAC. When customer use Azure Active Directory, they can use all feature of Azure Active Directory Premium and also enable Just in time admin, which will elevat

Introduction to operational security in Azure –

Azure Security Management and Monitoring Overview –

Governance in Azure –

Identity management –


Let’s conclude with the Azure Security best practices and patterns collection:

Our VM sizes reference:

You might also need the Visio template in order to produce the architecture diagrams: 


Have fun answering RFP, don’t hesitate to suggest your additional items in the comments section!

Stay updated on Twitter:

Getting started with – Azure Backup


We continue our series of “Getting Started” articles, with most up-to-date information I use with Microsoft Partners and customers when enabling them with Azure infrastructure services. I follows the same structure which is: getting started, training videos if available, then reference architectures, capacity planning and pricing information.

Backup is generally not creating a lot of excitement in IT teams, that’s the very least we can say. The fundamentally difficult parts of it are:

  1. defining data retention and archival policies.
  2. defining the appropriate sizing for the solution.
  3. executing the offsite data copy policy.

I’m not even talking about testing the restore of the backup, because people usually don’t do it Winking smile

Here’s really why Azure can help:

  1. You only have to size for the local backup storage system, archival is done is the cloud.
  2. With all hidden costs of tape systems included like offsite processing, storage on cloud is very likely to be always cheaper than any on-premises storage.
  3. You can easily test restoring data in a separate and isolated environment.
  4. You can easily backup files on servers and client with a small backup agent
  5. You can easily backup your applications running on Hyper-V on Vmware with Azure Backup Server.

Here’s what you need to get started building solutions on Azure:

Overview video

Overview article

Training Videos:

Pricing reference:

Technical References:

Azure Virtual Machine Backup:

Microsoft Azure Backup:

Microsoft Azure Backup Server:

Architecture references:

Azure Backup Limitations –

Security features for protecting hybrid backups using Azure Backup –

Third parties’ backup solutions supporting Azure

Commvault –

Veaam –

Veritas –

Service updates information

When you have deployed the solution and want to go further with Automation, there’s a pretty nice course on Microsoft OpenEDX: 

If you want to get started on Azure the good way, you can register to IT Pro Cloud Essentials, it includes online trainings, MCP vouchers and  monthly free credits to use Azure: 

Feel free to connect with me and provide feedbacks!


Getting started with – Azure Site Recovery

<updated 14th march 2017>


In this series of “Getting Started” articles, I will post the most up-to-date information I use with Microsoft Partners and customers when enabling them with Azure infrastructure services. I follows the same structure which is: getting started, training videos if available, then reference architectures, capacity planning and pricing information.

Disaster Recovery Plans aka DRP is one the most ungrateful work in IT. Because basically you are going to prepare for some situations that will be painful and difficult. However, this is a good exercise to protect against one of the most prevalent laws in IT: “Anything (Everything) will fail at some point, and very likely at the worst time”.

It puts you in a state of mind that most of people don’t like.and you will ask your boss money for something that you hope will never be used.

That’s where the cloud can help, for both virtualized and non virtualized workloads. Here’s how in 4 easy steps:

  1. First step consists of replicating your production workloads as they are running.
  2. Second step is to automating the disaster recovery plan execution.
  3. Run the workloads in Azure.
  4. Replicate your virtual machines back to your datacenter.

Overview video

Overview article

Training Videos

Technical References

Azure Site Recovery support matrix –

Prepare for Azure Site Recovery deployment –

Migrate AWS workloads to Azure –

Architecture references

VMware and Physical Servers to Azure –

Hyper-V to Azure –

VMM to Azure –

Network planning for disaster recovery:

Workload guidance

What workloads can you protect with Azure Site Recovery? –

Active directory and DNS

SQL Server


Dynamics AX



Running automation in ASR – 

Sizing & capacity planning

Capacity planning:

Azure Site Recovery Deployment Planner: 

Pricing reference

Service updates information

When you have put the infrastructure in place and are in the process of fully automating the disaster recovery plan, you need skills on Azure Automation. There’s a pretty nice course on Microsoft OpenEDX: 

Feel free to connect with me and provide feedbacks!


My Azure IaaS Toolbox

<last update 10/09/2017>

As I help customers and partners to build VM and various infrastructure services on Azure, I started to accumulate a lot of tools to make life easier. Here is my list, feel free to comment and share yours, I’d be happy to learn about new ones!



Tool Platforms Notes
Azure Storage Explorer (Microsoft) Linux, Windows, Mac Nice UI to manipulate storage in Azure.
AzCopy (Microsoft) Windows Command line context to upload/download storage content.
Azure Explorer (Red Gate) Windows GUI free tool from Red-Gate to explore Azure storage.
CloudXplorer (Clumsyleaf) Windows Classical tool from Clumsyleaf.
Trucks Because sometimes it’s just too big, send your disks to Azure and we import it for you.
Azure Data Box We will ship you a box, you fill it and we put it on your Azure account for you.



Tool Platforms Notes Tests the speed of Azure Services from your IP location to the rest of the world.
Message Analyzer Windows Network traces and so much more.
Network Monitor (netmon) or WireShark Windows, Mac Netmon 3.4 still works on Windows 10, as an alternative to WireShark.
Fiddler (Telerik) Mac, Windows, Linux, etc. Web debbuging proxy for fun and profit.
tnc (PowerShell) Windows 8.1 Tnc is a tool built-in Windows 8.1 and later, allows you to test network connectivity and latency on various ports.
PortQryUI Windows TCP and UDP Port Query fairly old tool, preset with common Windows Ports and services.



Tool Platforms Notes
Remote Desktop Connection Manager Windows Classical multi windows RDP client.
MobaXterm Windows Multi windows SSH client combined with SCP capabilities.
Virtual Machine Readiness assessment Windows Toolset used to evaluate a VM’s readiness for Azure. Gives you a detailed report of the machine state.
Certification Test tool for Azure Certified Windows This tool allows you to self-assess your VM configuration against Azure best practices for certification (prerequisite for the Marketplace).
Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Plugin Windows Allows you to manage your Azure resources from VMM.


General Automation

Tool Platforms Notes
PowerShell Windows Direct MSI Setup, avoiding the infamous WebPI. Script center to find examples: Browse script center
Cross platform CLI Linux, Mac, Windows The cross platform command line interface for Azure.


Documenting platforms

Tool Notes Visualize a JSON template graphically Generate a documentation or diagram of a deployment
Azure, Cloud and Enterprise Symbols, Icon Set – Visio stencil, PowerPoint, PNG, SVG Complete Visio and PNG illustration to document your Azure deployments
Reference Architectures Link to reference architecture and cloud design patterns
Visio File for Reference Architectures Mandatory for all cloud architects!
Architecture blueprints Architecture diagrams and blueprints for various services, can copy/paste the SVG resources from the webpage.


Azure Templates Authoring

Tool Platforms Notes
Visual Studio Code Mac, Linux, Windows Very nice tool to edit JSON templates for Azure and Azure Stack.
Visual Studio Windows Complete IDE for your application, includes a comprehensive support to edit and consume Azure resources directly.
Azure SDK Installation Mac, Linux, Windows, etc. Contains installers for all platforms. Templates and quick starters for JSON templates.
Git Desktop Mac, Windows Allows to sync your Github repos on your laptop. Allows you to query API in JSON format “graphically”.
Azure Container Services Engine Mac, Windows, Linux ACSEngine helps you build ARM templates for your clustered Docker deployments.


Hope this was useful, please comment and have fun on Azure!


Cloud Hybride : VPN Site-à-Site avec Azure et Windows Server 2012

Durant les prochains mois, nous passerons beaucoup de temps sur les infrastructure de type Cloud Hybride, si vous êtes intéressés par le sujet, venez nous voir lors d’un de nos IT CAMPS, il y a forcément une conférence près de chez vous : Liste des IT CAMPS.


Ce que nous cherchons à réaliser dans cet article est une liaison site-à-site ou site-à-Azure afin d’avoir une connectivité complète entre un datacenter et la plateforme Azure IaaS.


Prenons un exemple simple:


Dans mon entreprise, j’ai le réseau DatacenterElysees avec pour réseau, j’ai dans mon Datacenter une passerelle VPN avec Windows Server 2012 qui a pour adresse IPv4 publique A.B.C.D.

Dans Azure, je défini un réseau virtuel, avec une passerelle Azure qui a pour adresse IPv4 publique D.E.F.G

Voyons les étapes qui me permettent d’établir une liaison sécurisé entre les deux infrastructure pour bénéficier d’un accès IP transparent entre le deux centres de données.



Configuration du VPN dans Azure IaaS

Nous partirons du postulat que les réseaux virtuels ont été crées dans Azure comme suit :

vnets vnets2
Vue dashboard Vue configuration


Une fois les réseaux virtuels définis dans Azure, il nous faut :  

  1. Définir le réseau de notre DatacenterElysees et sa passerelle
  2. Activer la connexion au réseau local
  3. Activer la passerelle Azure



1. Définir notre Datacenter dans Azure

Il nous faut créer un nouveau réseau local, ce qui permettra de donner à Azure les caractéristiques de notre réseau d’entreprise pour y établir les règles de routage.

newlocalnet Choix d’ajout d’un réseau local dans le portail de management Azure.
localnet1 Ajout des informations concernant votre infrastructure : il s’agit ici des informations concernant votre passerelle IPsec (dans notre exemple, l’adresse IPv4 publique de notre RRAS Windows Server 2012)
localnet2 Définition de la plage d’adresse IPv4 présentes dans votre Datacenter. Cela va permettre à Azure de définir le routage adéquat pour envoyer les paquets sur votre Datacenter.



2. Activer la connexion au réseau local

Pour activer la connexion au réseau local (notre Datacenter), il nous faut aller dans la section configuration du réseau virtuel Azure et cocher l’option ‘”Connect to the local network”. Il vous demander ensuite de choisir quel réseau local est à connecter. Nous choisissons ici le réseau local que nous venons juste de définir et créer un sous réseau qui sera dédié à la connexion. Notez que cela ci devra se situer dans la plage des sous réseaux virtuels Azure.



Une fois la configuration sauvegardée, le tableau de bord de votre réseau virtuel devrait maintenant ressembler à cela :




3. Activer la passerelle Azure

Dans cette dernière étape, nous allons activer la passerelle Azure. C’est à partir de ce moment là qu’un qu’une adresse IPv4 publique d’Azure nous sera attribuée et que nous pourrons commencer à établir des connexions sécurisées avec le Cloud.


Il nous faut sélectionner l’option suivante :


et après confirmation :



La création de la passerelle peut prendre jusqu’à 15 minutes… au bout desquelles nous obtenons :




La passerelle est désormais opérationnelle !  Vous remarquez que la section Gateway IP Address vous donnera une IP d’Azure et non pas D.E.F.G comme j’ai masqué dans la capture d’écran.


Notons deux aspects intéressants dans la barre du bas :


La section manage key permet de gérer les clés partagées utilisées pour les liaisons IPsec.

“Download" va permettre de télécharger un modèle de script de configuration pour différentes passerelles dont celle que je vais utiliser dans quelques instants :



Il est maintenant temps de télécharger ce script de connexion et de le personnaliser pour interconnecter les sites.



Configuration de Windows Server 2012 comme passerelle RRAS

Dans mon exemple, je pars d’une machine Windows Server 2012 vierge et mise à jour, sur laquelle je vais appliquer le script de configuration que j’aurai personnalisé après son téléchargement du portail Azure.


Le script est en Powershell v3.0 malgré l’extension .cfg et contient au début des fonctions techniques, mais nous avons uniquement besoin de modifier les variables suivantes à la fin du script :

<SP_AzureGatewayIpAddress> Adresse IP de la passerelle Azure, dans notre exemple D.E.F.G
<SP_AzureNetworkCIDR> Le réseau Azure en notation CIDR, dans notre exemple
<SP_AzureNetworkMetric> La métrique réseau nécessaire, dans mon exemple je choisi la valeur 10, il peut être nécessaire de personnaliser selon la complexité de l’environnement.
<SP_PresharedKey> La clé partagée donnée par le portail Azure


Renommons alors le fichier en .ps1 et autorisons l’exécution de scripts locaux : Set-Execution-Policy RemoteSigned.

Les puristes remarqueront sans doute que le script n’est pas très élaboré et il ne gère pas vraiment les erreurs. Parmi les choses qu’on peut signaler pour optimiser son déroulement :

  • Installer les composants RRAS séparément pour gérer le reboot:
    • Import-Module RemoteAccess
    • Install-RemoteAccess -VpnType VpnS2S
  • Rajouter un timer entre le redémarrage du service RRAS et le déclenchement de la connexion
    • Restart-Service RemoteAccess
    • Connect-VpnS2SInterface –Name D.E.F.G

Une fois tout cela exécuté, cela devrait le faire… Une petite trace réseau vous permettra de vérifier le bon dialogue entre les machines : on s’attend à voir dans un premier temps une négociation d’association de sécurité en utilisant le protocole IKEv2, puis on doit voir du trafic ESP lorsque les réseaux échangent effectivement du contenu :



Le portail Azure nous montre alors une connexion établie :



Le serveur RRAS, doit montrer également un état connecté similaire au suivant :




Dans un prochain article, nous aborderons la haute disponibilité de cette solution et peut être plus encore selon vos retours !


A bientôt lors d’un ITCAMP!

Pour tester Windows Server 2012 et Windows 8, vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement la version d’évaluation disponible sous la forme :
– d’une image ISO :
– d’un fichier VHD avec un système préinstallé :


Quelques références :  

About VPN Devices for Virtual Network – 

Routing and Remote Access Service templates

Create a Virtual Network for Cross-Premises Connectivity –


Arnaud – les bons tuyaux